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IWA/CC Minutes 10-16-2013

Minutes                                 - 1 -                                     October 16, 2013

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Elizabeth Warren, John Phillips, John Blondin, Adam Reed, Audrey Delnicki, Richard Muller


STAFF PRESENT:          Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm


Karen Isherwood  

CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS:  Chair Warren reviewed a letter received from Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C. regarding the proposed fuel cell project at 245 Chapel Road.  The letter is just a notice that CTS Energy intends to file a petition for declaratory ruling with the Connecticut Siting Council regarding the installation and operation of a 4.98 megawatt fuel cell facility on the property.

BONDS:  none
MINUTES:  10/2/2013, approved by consensus.

CONSERVATION COMMISSION:  A group of individuals, including Commissioner Phillips and the state archeologist did a preliminary dig in Wapping Park to see if the proposed site for an Eagle Scout project is an actual archeological site.  It is not, so the scout project to build a mock Native American fishing camp can go forward.




Appl.# 13-39P – Aero-Med Ltd – 571 Nutmeg Rd North – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a building addition, additional parking areas, stormwater management, and associated improvements on property located westerly of Nutmeg Road, Industrial (I) Zone.

Attorney Meghan Alter represented the applicant, along with Jonathan Sczurek, civil engineer and Stephanie Fuss, landscape architect.  Attorney Alter stated that the building is used mainly as a warehouse for medical supplies and they would like to expand with an addition on the south side of the building.  A parking lot would be added to accommodate tractor trailers.  The disturbance would be in the upland review area with no alteration of any wetlands or watercourses.  

Jonathan Sczurek reviewed the proposed stormwater management system.  Mr. Sczurek stated that the property abuts Stoughton Brook on the north.  The majority of runoff from the site is currently picked up in existing catchbasins along the parking lot on the south side of the building which discharges to an existing detention pond, or to catchbasins in the driveway and lawn.  The outlet from the detention pond goes through a 15 inch pipe to a manhole that discharges into the wetlands adjacent to Stoughton Brook.  On the west side of the building, 10,200 sq ft of impervious surface currently drains to an existing catchbasin that goes into a pipe that discharges into the wetlands adjacent to Stoughton Brook.  This proposal maintains these drainage patterns.  Though the parking lot on the west side of the brook is being reconstructed, grading will be such that with post development conditions the same amount of impervious surface will be draining to the catchbasin.  There will be new catchbasins installed on the south side of the building that will tie into the existing pipe that discharges into the detention pond.  The two existing catchbasins currently in the parking lot will be removed.  The proposed parking lot at the front of the building will drain into a catchbasin that will discharge into infiltration structures designed to handle a 100 year storm flow.  The infiltration system will slowly discharge into the groundwater.  There is an overflow pipe that will discharge into the existing catchbasin then be routed into the detention pond, as it currently does, should the system become clogged or overwhelmed.  The proposed addition will also have infiltration structures tied into the roof drains designed to handle a 100 year storm flow.  There will be no increase in runoff from the new addition.  There will actually be a reduction in impervious surface on the site.  There will be hooded outlets installed on all the catchbasins.  The new catchbasins will be constructed with 3 foot deep sumps.  The existing detention basin will be fitted with a new outlet structure which will have a grate on top to prevent debris from entering the outlet structure, and perforated concrete sides and crushed stone surrounding it to filter the water going from the structure into the pond.

Stephanie Fuss reviewed the proposed landscape plan.  Ms. Fuss stated that at the request of Jeff Folger, she has proposed incorporating plantings to increase food and wildlife habitat near the wetlands; removing the invasive plants to help the detention basin function better; selectively clearing along the south edge of the detention pond to increase the amount of light getting into the detention pond to discourage the phragmites from coming back; and planting emergent wetlands plants in the basin itself.  There will be shade trees around the parking lot, new landscaping at the entrance and along the side of the building.

The Commissioners were concerned about debris on the north side of the site and were assured by Attorney Alter that it would all be removed.  Commissioners felt it was a well thought out plan, without adding to the impact on Stoughton Brook and actually probably improving the current discharges to the brook.

Motion to:  approve Appl.# 13-39P – Aero-Med Ltd – 571 Nutmeg Rd North – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of a building addition, additional parking areas, stormwater management, and associated improvements on property located westerly of Nutmeg Road, Industrial (I) Zone, with the following conditions:

  • The final approved copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to the Planning Department.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.
  • The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.
  • The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on October 16, 2018.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.  
  • A bond shall be collected in the amount of $5,000 to ensure adequate erosion and sediment controls are constructed and maintained through the construction process, and for modifications to the stormwater basin.  
  • All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.
  • A contact person shall be identified on the plans.
All debris on the northern side shall be completely removed.
The plantings in the detention basin shall be modified to include emergent vegetation compatible with the hydrology of the basin, and the modifications shall be reviewed and approved by Town staff.

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous




Appl.# 13-44P – Evergreen Walk LLC – 151 Buckland Rd. – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an office building, parking areas, stormwater management, and associated improvements on property located northerly Deming Street and westerly of Buckland Rd.  Gateway Development (GD) Zone.

Motion to: set a public hearing for Appl.# 13-44P – Evergreen Walk LLC – 151 Buckland Rd. – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an office building, parking areas, stormwater management, and associated improvements on property located northerly Deming Street and westerly of Buckland Rd.  Gateway Development (GD) Zone., on November 6, 2013 due to public interest.

Was made by: Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by: Commissioner Blondin
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous


Motion to: adjourn at 8:10 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Delnicki
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  November 6, 2013